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  Restore the standard EGA Palette

  Function:    XPegaStdPal()

               This function restores the normal palette that is
               stored in the EGA. Just as when starting up.
               This function is handy to exit gracefully, when your
               application has been messing with the Palette. The color
               "Brown", for instance, is awful, and one way set it to
               a normal yellow with XPegaColor(6,6), but also quite some
               other settings may be done, and this restores it.

  Syntax:      XPegaStdFont() --> NIL

  Returns:     Nothing.

  Usage:       XPegaStdPal()

See Also: XPvgaStdPal() XPegaColor()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson